Fragment of Intelligence bonuses Successfully complete the game with the indicated number of Fragments of Intelligence to unlock the corresponding bonus.
Unlockable: | How to Unlock: | Chapter Titles | 5 Fragments of Intelligence | Character Artwork | 3 Fragments of Intelligence | Movie Player | 7 Fragments of Intelligence | Sound Gallery | 10 Fragments of Intelligence | The 35th Platoon Chapter | 15 Fragments of Intelligence |
Empty Rex's armor guage Pause game play during a battle, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, R1, L1.
Game Unlockables Unlockables for Oz and platform playstation 2
Unlockable: | How to Unlock: | Bad ending sequence | Successfully complete the game with a "C" overall rank. | EX mode | Successfully complete Chapter 8. | Good ending sequence | Successfully complete the game with a "A" overall rank. | Hard mode | Successfully complete the game. | Normal ending sequence | Successfully complete the game with a "B" overall rank. | Play as Galumn in EX mode | Defeat Juju first in Chapter 6. | Play as Juju in EX mode | Defeat Galumn first in Chapter 6. |
Fill Rex's armor gauge Pause game play during a battle, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, R1. Note: This can only be done once. |